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A Simple Kiss (The Amish Bonnet Sisters Book 3) Page 6

  “She won't leave, silly. There’s no way she would.”

  When they got to the bottom of the driveway, they saw Jonathon standing beside his buggy next to their barn.

  “What’s he doing?” Joy stared at Honor.

  “We’re going somewhere.”

  “Oh, right now? Why didn't you tell me that? I thought you meant later on.”

  “Sorry. Mamm said it was okay, if that’s your next question, so I hope she remembers it. Can you do me a favor and unhitch the buggy so I can leave sooner?”



  Florence came home from her walk just in time to see Honor riding off with Jonathon. She walked over to Joy, who was rubbing down the horse.

  “Where are they going?”

  Joy looked up and then glanced over her shoulder at the fast-disappearing buggy. “I don’t know where they’re heading, but I do know Mamm said it was okay.”

  “And Honor's left you to unhitch the buggy?”

  “I don't mind. Truly I don't.”

  “I'll help you.” As Florence moved closer, she asked, “You're not planning to run away too, are you?”

  “Of course not. Can Isaac come for dinner tonight?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good. I invited him already.”

  Florence giggled. They often had people stopping by for dinner, so one extra wasn’t ever an issue. They always cooked plenty.

  When they had put the buggy undercover and finished caring for the horse, they walked into the mudroom together. They changed their shoes and washed up, and headed through to the kitchen. “

  Florence thought it best to check Joy’s story with Mamm. “Mamm, did you say it was okay for Honor to go somewhere with Jonathon?”

  “I did. Why, is there something wrong?”

  “I suppose not. If you said it was all right.”

  Mamm softly laid a hand on Florence's shoulder. “We have to trust them.”

  “Do we?”

  Joy knew she wasn't part of the conversation, but still she couldn't help butting in. “If you allow them freedom they won’t feel they have to run away.”

  Florence shot her a look that told her to be quiet. “Do you want help with dinner, Mamm?”

  “Favor and Hope have already done that.”

  “Great, what is it? I'm starving.”

  “Joy, you completely butted in and I wasn't finished with what I was saying.”

  Joy huffed. “I'm sorry.”

  “Mamm, don't you think there should be some restrictions placed upon them?”

  Mamm stared at her without blinking. “Do you think so?”

  “I do.”

  “Okay, we’ll talk about it after dinner.”

  “We can’t because Isaac will be here,” Joy said.

  Mamm looked up in shock. “I thought it was just us tonight! He’s coming again?”

  “Jah,” Florence and Joy chorused.

  “When will Honor be home?” Florence asked Mamm.

  “They’re going to have dinner at Christina and Mark's house.”

  That made Florence feel a little better.

  “I don't know why they invite her over all the time. What about us?” Joy asked.

  Mamm nodded. “I know. Christina has always gotten along well with Honor.”

  Joy tilted her head upward. “I don't know why she can't get along with all of us and treat all of us the same.”

  Florence yawned. “I might have a little lie down before dinner. Is that okay with everyone?”

  Mamm’s eyes opened wide as she looked at Florence. “You’re not getting sick, are you?”

  “Nee. I’m not used to all the shopping I’ve done today. I’m exhausted.”

  Joy giggled. “You can work from sunup to sundown at harvest time and you’re exhausted over a little shopping?”

  Florence shrugged her shoulders. “I guess it does sound funny.”

  “I'll fetch you when dinner’s on the table,” Mamm said.


  Florence climbed the stairs feeling pretty awful. The trouble was, she liked everything in her life to be organized and that meant having a fair idea about her future so she could plan. Now, her future was uncertain.

  Carter was right, how could she have a future with Ezekiel when they lived so far apart? And even if there wasn't that problem, she wasn’t in love with Ezekiel.

  She pushed open her bedroom door with the edge of her boot. Was she only attracted to Carter because he brought some excitement into her life, along with a hint of the unknown? Maybe she liked the danger that being fond of an Englischer brought.

  Chapter 11

  After they’d had dinner and Isaac had gone home, Joy made use of the time before bed to make taffy apples for the next day. They were completely sold out of them at the markets.

  Joy was in the midst of warming the toffee when Jonathon brought Honor home. Jonathon came inside with her, and then Joy heard him ask to speak with Mamm and Florence. Hope and Favor were upstairs and with the quiet surrounding her, she was able to hear every word of the conversation that was happening in the living room.

  “The problem is, he hasn’t been able to find work around here,” said Honor.

  Joy frowned at his excuse. He hadn’t been looking for long.

  “I wouldn’t worry. Something will happen soon,” Mamm said.

  Florence wasn’t so placid. “How long’s it been? Only two weeks? Surely there’s something out there you could do. It doesn’t have to be your ideal job.”

  Joy covered her mouth to stifle a giggle; Florence had said exactly what she’d thought.

  “Believe me, Florence, I don’t like having time on my hands. I’ve done everything I can and left my name at so many places. Samuel and Mark have been asking around for me too.”

  “Tell them what we talked about, Jonathon,” Honor urged.

  There was a moment of silence. Joy stopped skewering the apples so she would be able to hear Jonathon better.

  “I’ve been offered a job near my folks’ place. This job is secure—it’s with one of my uncles. I’ve talked with my parents and they said they’d love to have Honor stay there. Even though Mercy and Stephen are there. There’s still plenty of room.”

  “Wait! Wait a minute. What are you suggesting?” Florence asked.

  Joy put down the apple that was in her hand. She never imagined he’d ask such a thing. Before he could answer Florence, Mamm spoke.

  “And where will you stay if we allow Honor to board with your parents?”

  Joy couldn’t resist it. She tiptoed over to the doorway of the kitchen and peeped around the corner.

  Florence stared at Mamm in disbelief. Was Mamm going to allow them both to leave just like that? After everything that had just happened?

  Joy shook her head, sympathizing with Florence. She had no real say when Mamm overrode any of her decisions.

  “I was thinking that I’ll stay with friends. There are plenty of people I can stay with.”

  Joy knew exactly what Florence was thinking. As she sat in stunned silence, Florence was hoping Mamm wasn’t seriously considering the option of Honor leaving to be close to Jonathon with only his parents to supervise.

  Mamm then stared at Florence. “What do you think?”

  When all eyes were on her, Florence had to say what she thought. “Nee! I don’t think it’s a good idea.” She looked directly at Jonathon. “I’m a little shocked you’ve asked us something like this, Jonathon, after everything you’ve put us through already.”

  “Why, Florence?” Honor asked.

  “It’s simply out of the question. Both of you ran away and I don’t trust either of you now.”

  Joy knew they’d be short another pair of hands if Honor left. It was more difficult with two of her sisters gone, and it would be harder still if they were down a third.

  “Mamm?” Honor asked through tear-filled eyes.

  “We’ll have to think about it.”<
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  “There’s no time to think.”

  “It’s okay, don’t get upset.” Jonathon patted Honor’s shoulder. Tears flowed down Honor’s face and she bounded to her feet and left the room. Jonathon stood up and stared after her as she ran up the stairs. Then, he slowly sat down. “Florence, I have a job there and she’ll be perfectly safe with my folks. They’re even stricter than you.”

  “All the same, I’ve given my answer.”

  He looked at Mamm. “Mrs. Baker? You said you’d think about it.”

  Joy hoped her mother would back Florence up.

  Mamm stood up. “Just one moment. I’ll talk to Honor and see how she’s feeling.”

  Mamm was going to be talked into allowing it. Joy just knew it. She always caved under pressure.

  “I’m not the way you think I am,” Jonathon told Florence now that they were left alone.

  “Would you like a cup of hot tea?”

  Joy frowned at Florence’s strange response. What did tea have to do with anything?

  “I wouldn’t mind a kaffe,” he answered.

  “Sure.” She stood and then he got up to follow her into the kitchen. “Nee. You sit down.”

  “I thought we could talk.”

  “Nee. I’ve said all I have to say about the matter.”

  “We could talk about something else then.”

  She stared at him and shook her head, and then he slowly sat back down.

  Joy ducked away, turned down the stove, and then sat down and pretended to continue skewering the apples even though she’d finished.

  Florence saw her and stopped, then walked to the teakettle and filled it with water.

  “I’m making taffy apples.”

  “So I see.” Florence then lit another burner on the stove and placed the teakettle on it, next to the pot of toffee.

  Joy rushed over to her and whispered, “I heard everything. I wasn’t deliberately listening—I was kind of stuck in here. What's your main objection to what they asked?”

  Florence sighed. “She was told that she couldn't marry him until she was eighteen. It only feels like they’ve been back days from running away. We might never have seen them again, and now they want us to forget everything and trust them. Nee, trust must be earned. Especially with having done what they did.”

  Joy placed her hands down by her sides as she wandered back to the kitchen table and played with her apples. “Part of me agrees, but the other part doesn’t. What about forgiveness?” She looked back at Florence.

  "Let's get these apples dipped while we're waiting for the kettle to boil."

  "Okay, denke. But I'm serious. What about forgiveness—shouldn't that mean we let go of it?"

  “There is forgiveness, and there’s bringing up a child correctly. You can forgive, but you still have to give guidance. Do you see what I mean?”

  “Sort of, but Honor isn’t ten-years-old. She’s an adult and she told me she’s old enough to get married if she has a parent’s permission, so why not let Mamm give it if they love each other? Their love must’ve been strong to feel the need to turn their backs on both of their families just so they could be together.” Joy could see both sides of the issue.

  Florence shook her head. “I'm not about to forget what they did. She can't just say she’s sorry and then all is forgiven and forgotten, and the same with him. You’ll know what it's like when you have your own kinner to raise.”

  “So might you. None of us is your kinner, Florence. You’re our schweschder.”

  “Half-schweschder, as I’m so often reminded.”

  “And I know you do pretty much everything around here, but the end decision lies with Mamm.”

  Joy saw Florence’s face change, and she regretted her words. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that like it came out.”

  “That’s okay. You’re right—I'm just frustrated. Mamm could very easily give in and allow Honor to do whatever she wants. We’ll just have to wait and see what Mamm says.”

  Joy quickly turned away. It couldn't have been easy for Florence, trying to get all the girls in the family to behave well. “How are things between you and Ezekiel?”

  “We’re doing okay. Getting to know one another. I can see the two of us will be good friends.”

  “And that's good, isn't it? Don't friends make the best husbands?”

  “Well, that's something I can't really say because I have had no experience with that.”

  “I can see the two of you together having lots of bopplis.”

  Florence smiled. “Well, that's fine. As for you, don't think you have to rush in just because Mercy and Honor have made their choices early in life.”

  “Why? Don't you like Isaac?”

  “I do. Very much. I think very highly of him, but at your age, you have all the time in the world. Use it wisely.”

  By the time Mamm came back downstairs, the apples had been finished and Florence had just served Jonathon his cup of coffee.

  “Here’s a hot tea for you, Mamm,” Joy said.

  “Denke, Joy. Um ... Joy, do you mind if Florence and I have a talk alone with Jonathon?”

  “Sure. I mean, no, I don't mind. I was just going to bed anyway.” Joy took her own cup of hot tea upstairs while Florence sat down on the couch next to Jonathon and opposite Mamm.

  “Have you made a decision yet?” Jonathon asked.

  “Jah. I’ve decided she can go with you, but I’ll have to speak to your parents first to make sure it’s all going to be okay.”

  Florence stared at Jonathon in shock. He’d gotten just what he wanted and he smirked as though he was pleased with himself.

  “Denke, Mrs. Baker.”

  Florence stood.

  “Where are you going?” Mamm said.

  “I’m following Joy. I’m going up to bed. Good night, all.”

  “But aren’t you going to stay and talk about this?” Mamm asked, staring up at her.

  Florence sighed. “There’s nothing more to say.”

  Florence leaned forward and picked up her cup and saucer and then balanced them carefully while walking up the stairs to her bedroom.

  As she sat on her bed sipping her tea, she decided she should worry less about the girls and start thinking more about herself. Tomorrow, she was going to seriously consider Ezekiel Troyer as a potential husband, even more so than she had thus far.

  Chapter 12

  The next morning, Florence rubbed her eyes trying her best to forget a lost night’s sleep due to worry over what might become of Honor. She'd done pretty poorly at sticking to her resolve to worry less about her half-sisters.

  Florence had to wait until after breakfast to be alone with Mamm so she could tell her what she thought. No one had mentioned anything about Honor and Jonathon the entire morning. Both Honor and Mamm had avoided eye-contact with her.

  “I honestly can’t believe you, Mamm. You’re rewarding them for running away.”

  Mamm nodded. “I know you’re upset.”

  “I am, and it all started when Honor ran away. You left with Cherish without even bothering to punish Honor properly. It was left up to me to give her extra chores. If Honor had been given a harsher punishment, she might’ve seen things clearly. Now Jonathon’s weaseled his way around the situation and gotten his way.”

  “What you don’t know is that something else might’ve happened. That’s why I didn’t punish her for returning. If she’s punished for coming home, she might not come home the next time.”

  Florence frowned wondering which way was right.

  “We’ve had a win. She’s stayed here and they’ve asked permission rather than doing things their own way like last time. Now, don’t get upset, but there’s something else I haven’t told you. I told all the girls this morning but I told them that I wanted to tell you myself.”

  Florence stared at her stepmother. Had someone died? “What is it?”

  “After you went to bed last night, I had a more serious talk with Jonathon and I gave them per
mission to marry. So, they’ll marry before he leaves to take that job.”

  At first, Florence thought she hadn’t heard correctly. “What?” She put her hand over her heart to calm herself as she wrapped her mind around the shocking news. While her stepmother repeated it, Florence pulled out a chair and sat down. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing. This was everything I was trying to avoid.” She shook her head. “Now I feel I wasted my time bringing her back. I should’ve just let them run away.”

  “Nee, you did the right thing. Now they’re staying in the community and they would’ve left if you’d hadn’t brought her back here.”

  Florence rounded her shoulders in defeat. “I’m shocked, but still, I know it’s not my decision to make.” It was deeply upsetting that her opinions were so disregarded by Mamm. She felt like she truly was wasting her time. All she wanted to do now was get far away from the house so the news could sink in. “So, you’re serious about this? They’re actually getting married?”

  “Jah. They’re visiting the bishop today to arrange a date for their baptisms and for their wedding, as soon as he'll permit.”

  With a hand over her stomach, mentally fighting the nausea, she looked at the half-made apple pies. “Once these pies are in the oven, I’ll visit Liza.”

  “I can do the rest if you want to go now.”

  “Denke, but Ezekiel is collecting me at nine to take me there. He’s volunteered with some other men to fix Samuel and Liza’s chimney.”

  Mamm nodded. “You look over-worked. You probably need some time with your friend.”

  “Denke, Mamm.”

  * * *

  Florence couldn’t wait to leave all her problems behind her. Liza was a good listener and she always agreed with Florence’s way of thinking. Complaining to her best friend was all that she’d need to make her feel better.

  When she saw Ezekiel’s borrowed buggy coming toward the house, she hurried out to meet him. The first thing she noticed was his big smile.

  “Wie gehts?” he asked.

  “I’m good, and you?”

  “Fine, on such a beautiful morning.”