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A Simple Kiss (The Amish Bonnet Sisters Book 3) Page 9

  Florence hurried to stop a disaster from happening. When she reached the door, she hovered to listen in.

  “Hello, Jonathon.”

  “Hi, Cherish. It's a long time since I've seen you.”

  “I've just been visiting some relatives. I thought it was time I came home.”

  “Gut. In time to see your schweschder and I get married.”

  “Um, jah … about that.”

  Florence froze as she listened.

  Cherish continued, “It's not too late to change your mind. Other people have done it. No one will think badly of you. People will respect you for making your own decision instead of being pushed into something.”

  “Now wait a minute. No one’s pushing me into anything. I love her with all my heart, and we belong together. There’s not one single solitary doubt in my mind. There’s no reason to change anything.”

  “Really?” Cherish asked.

  “Jah. What are you doing here anyway?”

  “Florence sent me to count the cakes.”

  “You sure about that? It doesn’t take two, and she asked me to do that. I think you should go back. I’m not sure why we’re even talking like this, and …”

  Florence was pleased to hear his response and was just about to save him from Cherish, when she heard Cherish’s next comment.

  “But I’m in love with you, Jonathon.”

  Florence couldn’t believe her ears. She waited to hear what Jonathon said.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. That’s something you should keep to yourself considering the situation.”

  “Nee, that’s exactly why I must tell you; because you’re making a big mistake.”

  “I’m not!”

  Florence moved into the building, and Cherish turned around, shocked to see her. “I thought you were in the kitchen, Florence.”

  “I was, but we need you to keep cleaning up after the cooks as they work. Why did you leave?”

  Cherish shook her head. “I'm talking to Jonathon.”

  Jonathon kept his head down. “You’d better go, Cherish.”

  Florence was livid that Cherish was so arrogant toward her. She grabbed her by the arm. “Back to the kitchen, now.” Once they were out the door and halfway to the house, Florence said to her, “I heard what you said in there. I can't even believe my own ears. How could you say something like that? Are you trying to ruin your schweschder’s life? What were you thinking?”

  “I was doing nothing wrong. I just thought he might’ve been pushed into it and that's not fair.”

  Florence shook her head. “You're definitely going back to Aunt Dagmar’s.”

  “Nee, Mamm won't allow it.”

  “If it's the last thing I do, I'll see that she’s in full agreement with me.”

  “You wouldn't.”

  “Just watch me.”

  Once Cherish was back in the house, Florence took Mamm aside and told her what had happened. Mamm was greatly upset. “I think she’ll have to go back.”

  Florence nodded. “I agree.”

  “I’ll talk with her and make sure she behaves herself until she goes back to Dagmar’s.”

  “And when will that be?” Florence asked, hoping it’d be soon.

  “I’ll talk with her now. I’ll take her up to her room, so no one will hear us. I don’t want Honor being upset over this. It’s better she doesn’t know, for now. Can you call Aunt Dagmar and make sure it’s okay that she goes back there?”

  “Sure. I’m happy to do it. Do you want me to call a driver and find one who can drive her there soon?”

  Mamm nodded, and then sighed. “It’s all too much for me, Florence. Please find someone who can drive her back there the next day after the wedding.”

  “Okay.” From where they stood in the living room, Florence looked at all the workers in the kitchen. “I’ll stay here until you talk with her. One of us should stay. When you come back, I’ll go to the barn and make some calls.”

  “Denke, Florence.”

  * * *

  Early that afternoon, Florence walked out of the barn ready to deliver the news to Mamm that a driver would be arriving at nine the morning after the wedding. That would mean Cherish would miss the big clean-up day after the celebrations, but Florence was certain her youngest half-sister wouldn’t have made much of a contribution to that anyway. Dagmar was pleased with the news that Cherish would return.

  While walking up the porch steps that led to the house, Florence spied a bundle of letters left on a chair. She picked up the half dozen letters and leafed through them for Ezekiel’s familiar handwriting. Then she spotted it.

  Florence was distressed to get a letter from him so close to the wedding. In her heart, she knew what that meant. She sat on the porch chair, and then, with the other letters in her lap, she ripped open the envelope.

  In his letter, Ezekiel explained his mother wasn't well and he wouldn't be attending the wedding. Dropping the letter into her lap, she looked out over the orchard. She’d been counting the days until she would see him, so they could continue their courtship. Even though she was against rushing into a relationship, neither did she want it to drag out for an eternity.

  When would something ever go right for her?

  There was no time to feel sorry for herself. Not with the wedding tomorrow. She picked herself up and fixed a smile on her face before she headed back into the house.

  Chapter 18

  Joy was excited to be participating in her sister’s wedding, wearing the exact color medium-blue dress as Honor. As she sat behind Honor, who was standing in front of the bishop with Jonathon, it almost felt like her own wedding in a way. Especially with Isaac there looking so handsome in the dark suit that his older sister, Christina, had made him.

  While the bishop gave his talk, she couldn't help looking over at Isaac. Each time she glanced at him, he smiled even wider. And then she noticed someone else's eyes upon her. It was Jonathon's younger brother, Luke, who was sitting behind Jonathon as his wedding attendant.

  When their eyes met, he beamed her a smile and she turned away. Now she couldn't look at Isaac because Luke might think she was looking at him. So, she concentrated on the bishop’s words as he spoke on the topic of Gott's plan for marriage.

  Honor glanced at her husband-to-be as they stood in front of the bishop in the family’s living room. Just as it had been for Mercy’s wedding, all the furniture in the house had been exchanged for wooden benches. Now every one of those benches was full, leaving people to stand on the sides of the room.

  It felt good that so many people had come to see them get married. And that no one had said anything about her getting married so young. People seemed to like the idea she and her older sister would be married to brothers. Jonathon had even teased his young brother, Luke, that he’d have to marry Joy. Honor knew that was very unlikely because Joy only had eyes for her half-brother’s wife’s brother. It was confusing, but many relationships within the community were like that.

  This marriage was what Honor and Jonathon had wanted more than anything, and against all odds Jonathon had made it happen. He convinced her mother that the timing was right. With all that they’d been through together, Honor knew he was the perfect man for her. They’d also be moving close to Mercy. She glanced over her shoulder to look at Mercy, and after they exchanged smiles, she saw Florence staring at her disapprovingly. Quickly, she faced the front. In time, Florence would learn that Jonathon was a good man, and when she did, she might even apologize for ever doubting him.

  Once they were finally pronounced married, it was time for the festivities. Everyone moved from the house into the annex that covered the area between the house and the barn.

  Throughout the ceremony, Joy had kept a close eye on Isaac. When he didn’t gravitate to her when the ceremony was over, she walked over to him. He saw her coming and then he deliberately moved away. Joy had no idea what had gotten into him. When she finally caught up with him, she saw from his face that he was upset

  “Is everything okay?”

  He pressed his lips together. “Nee.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I saw you looking at someone else just now.”

  Joy laughed. “Don’t be silly. I was looking at you.”

  “Not all the time.”

  Joy stared at him. Was he joking? When there was no hint of a smile on his face, she knew he wasn’t. Being a no nonsense kind of a person, she wasn’t in the mood for drama. Not on such a special day for her sister. “Find me when you get over the mood you’re in.” She turned and walked away from him. He must’ve been talking about when she had noticed Luke staring at her. Isaac was being immature and she wasn’t going to be drawn into his silliness. Pushing him out of her mind, she walked amongst the crowd determined to enjoy herself and help the many guests enjoy themselves.

  Meanwhile, Florence was working in the kitchen supervising the ladies who were helping with food for the three hundred or so guests. Florence wasn’t bothered by the huge task on her shoulders. She helped out so often at weddings. Years ago, her father had set their kitchen up with two large ovens and there was loads of countertop space for working.

  Once the first course of the food had gone out, Florence was able to slow her pace. Yet, her mind never stopped working—never stopped thinking about the orchard and her family’s finances. Their savings had taken a hit with Honor’s wedding coming so close behind Mercy’s. Mamm hadn’t taken that into consideration when she’d allowed them to marry now rather than having them wait for a year.

  With Cherish going back to Aunt Dagmar’s, and the two oldest half-sisters now married, that only left five of them. As much as the money coming in from the farmers markets was a great help, she didn’t see that they could continue that especially with the harvest approaching. Between the orchard and their shop, that was probably all they could manage. She made a mental note to cancel their stall at the farmers market.

  A flushed-faced Christina hurried into the kitchen. “Florence, what’s going on between Joy and Isaac?”

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

  “It seems they had a tiff. He barely talks to me and he keeps looking at Joy. She seems to be ignoring him.”

  “I’m sure they can work things out between themselves. In the meantime, can you take these napkins out and put them on the table?”

  “Don’t you care?”

  “I’m too busy to even think about it now, Christina.”

  Florence held out the white napkins toward Christina. Christina snatched them from her. “You’re the same as the rest of your family. Only thinking about yourself.” She stomped away leaving Florence shocked. Her life was consumed with looking after others.

  Ada was one of the ladies working in the kitchen and she’d overheard what Christina had said. “Don’t worry about her, Florence.”

  “I don’t know what I did to upset her.”

  “She’s very highly strung.” Ada shook her head. “Two years married and no kinner.”

  “Is that what’s upsetting her?”

  “Jah. Mercy or even Honor might give birth before her. That’s what she’d be thinking.”

  “Hmm, they both seem like bopplis themselves. Do you think that’s really what’s upsetting Christina?”

  “I can’t see what else it could be.”

  As far as Florence remembered, Christina had always been standoffish towards her family. Maybe one of them had done something to offend her. When two ladies walked in with stacks of dirty dishes, Florence’s attention was back on the job.

  Joy had been successful in avoiding Luke Wilkes. Every time she looked over at Isaac, he avoided eye contact. Just as she was considering walking over to talk with Isaac to sort things out, someone tapped her on her shoulder. She turned around to see Christina, Isaac’s sister.

  “What's going on with you two?” Christina asked.

  “Me and your bruder?”


  “Just a small misunderstanding. It's okay. I'm just giving him a bit of time to work a few things out.”

  “Don't you know he’s leaving?”

  It couldn’t be true. “What?”

  “Jah, he’s leaving and I’m not talking about him leaving the wedding. He will be leaving. He was only staying here for you.”

  “I didn’t know.”

  “Couldn't you figure that out? Now we've lost him working in the store just like we lost Jonathon. You girls have got a lot to answer for. That’s another worker we’ve lost from our store because of you girls.”

  Even though she was sad about Isaac leaving, she wasn’t going to let an opportunity go by. “I could work for you.”

  “Denke, but no thanks. I don't think you'd be reliable enough to work six days a week and do all the heavy lifting needed.”

  “I am reliable. Ask anyone, and I do heavy lifting at home. You’d be surprised how strong I am. I lift all the bags of horse feed.”

  “Your mudder and Florence need you at home, at the market stall, and to do the cooking and what not.”

  “Okay.” Joy shrugged her shoulders. “At least I offered to help out.”

  “Hmm. I’m not sure if it was a genuine offer or not.”

  Joy could now see the side of Christina that her sisters so often talked about. She wasn't very pleasant. She was always nice to Honor, and even more so since Jonathon had stayed with them. “I hope you find someone for the store.” She wasn’t going to beg Isaac to stay if he wanted to go.

  “There’s a shortage of jobs, so it won't take long for us to find someone, but Isaac is my bruder, so I’m not happy. He wasn't just a worker.”

  “I know that's upsetting for you, but it's not my fault. If you want him to stay, just ask him.”

  “You should be the one asking him. He might stay if he knows you want him to. Aren’t you the least concerned that he’s leaving?”

  “I am, but there’s not much I can do if he wants to go.”

  Christina looked over her shoulder at Isaac and then looked back at Joy. “Do what you want. You girls always do. Wilma hasn’t disciplined any one of you.” Christina walked away from her.

  Joy wasn’t going to leave things at that. She hurried after Christina to have her say. “She doesn’t need to discipline us if we never do anything wrong.”

  Christina’s eyes blazed. “You do plenty wrong.”

  Joy knew she couldn’t protest, not with both Honor and Cherish having tried to run away. “Well, everyone does wrong things, but I think it’s a bit harsh to say that we’re not disciplined. You’re being disrespectful to my mudder.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion.”

  “I’ll talk to Isaac.” She was going to do that anyway.

  “Denke, that’s all I was asking.”

  When Christina walked away, Joy headed in the direction she’d last seen Isaac. When she got there, she saw him sitting down by himself eating a piece of cake. She walked up and sat beside him. “Why are you sitting down by yourself?”

  “I don’t know these people very well.”

  “You know them well enough, don’t you?”


  “When I first met you, you didn’t seem shy at all. You were bold and led the conversations and now you’re sitting here quietly filling your face with food.”

  “I like food, can’t you tell?” He pushed a huge piece of cake into his mouth.

  “It seems you like cake. I can tell that much.” Scriptures ran through her mind, as they so often did, and she wondered if he had a problem with gluttony. For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags. But, who was she to judge someone? It did make her cautious about him. It wasn’t his size that was a problem, though, it was his bad attitude.

  When he finished his mouthful, he said, “I made the decision I’m going back home.”

  “I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay.”

  Without answering her, he pus
hed the last piece of cake into his mouth and with his finger, gathered the last of the frosting and popped that into his mouth also.

  “My, you’re really enjoying that cake.”

  “I know exactly what you mean by that. You can have any man you want and you don’t want someone like me. I’m overweight. I know it’s a problem, but the more I think about it the more I eat.”

  “Forget about it, then. Problem solved.”

  “It’s not so easy.”

  “You’re not fat at all. I like the way you look. You have a large frame and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “I appreciate you trying to be nice, but there’s no point anymore.” With his plate in his hand, he rose to his feet, and then she watched him walk back to one of the food tables. At that point, she decided he was in a strange mood and nothing she could say would bring him around. With Honor leaving early tomorrow morning, she decided to spend the rest of the day as close to her as she possibly could.

  Honor left with Jonathon the very next day. Cherish was picked up at nine that same morning for the return trip to Aunt Dagmar's, and one week after that, Isaac was gone. Isaac and Joy had not spoken once after the wedding.

  The Baker household was quiet.

  In trying to make things work with Ezekiel, Florence had deliberately kept herself away from Carter, but that didn’t stop the aching in her heart. She longed to be loved by one special person and for now, Ezekiel was falling way short of the mark.

  When the sun was low in the sky, loneliness and frustration led her through the orchard and toward Carter’s house. All she intended to do was catch a glimpse of him. When the house came into view, she saw his car there but there was no sign of him.

  Florence walked close to the fence. Maybe she should knock on his door and just see him one last time? Where was the harm in that?

  Before she lost her sudden courage, she slipped through the five-strand wire fence. Halfway to his house, she stopped still as doubts crept into her mind.