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Ettie Smith Amish Mysteries Box Set 3 Page 5
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Mr. George laughed. “You two do have a lot of questions. That’s my business partner, Casey Campbell. We're going over a few details to finalize our next promotion, if that was the next thing you were going to ask.”
“We only came to give you the message from your wife since she’s no longer allowed to call anyone.”
He shook his head. “I’m doing all I can. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work to do.”
“We won’t hold you up,” Elsa-May said abruptly.
When the man closed the door, Ettie and Elsa-May walked back to the sidewalk in front of his house.
“Do you think the police know that Nora’s husband had employed Paula?”
“Jah! Well, come to think of it, the man admitted about the affair, but Kelly didn’t let us know that Cameron George was her employer at the time. Maybe Kelly doesn’t know, but don’t forget he doesn’t tell us everything. They think Nora attacked Paula because she suspected her husband was having an affair with her. That seems clear from what we’ve learned so far. I can’t work out why the detective doesn’t tell us everything.”
“He never does,” Elsa-May said. “But if he wants our help with people in the community he should let us in on everything.”
“That’s just the way he is and he’s not likely to change. If Nora didn’t attack Paula, then who did?”
“Who would’ve had reason to want her dead?”
“Surely if Paula had been having an affair with Nora’s husband, she would’ve stopped after she joined the community,” Ettie said.
“One would hope so!”
“What will we do now?”
“Let’s go and visit the Lapps again and hopefully they’ll be home this time.”
The ladies headed for the nearest public phone to call for a taxi.
* * *
That afternoon, Ettie and Elsa-May were sitting across the kitchen table from Mr. and Mrs. Lapp
“They tell us they have the person who did this to Paula and she’s a woman,” Mrs. Lapp said.
“They could be wrong, though,” Elsa-May said.
“We just have to hope Paula recovers so she can say who attacked her, in case they have the wrong person,” Ettie said.
Boris Lapp peered at Ettie. “Do you think they have arrested the wrong person?”
“I do. There are too many things that just don’t add up.”
“Is that a car?” Elsa-May said.
“I think so.” Mrs. Lapp stood up and looked out the window. “It looks like it might be a policeman, but he’s not wearing a uniform.”
Elsa-May and Ettie looked at each other and knew it had to be Detective Kelly. He’d asked for their help so he couldn’t be mad at them for speaking with the Lapp family, could he?
Elsa-May stood beside Diane Lapp and looked out the window. “That is a police detective. It’s Detective Kelly,” Elsa-May said.
Boris and Diane went to their front door and waited for the detective with Ettie and Elsa-May not far behind.
“I’m not going to talk with him,” Boris Lapp said.
“He’s all right,” Ettie said. “It’ll be better if you speak with him.”
“Hello,” Kelly said when he looked up and saw them at the door.
“Afternoon, Detective,” Boris said. “Can we help you with something? We’ve already told the police all we know, which is nothing.”
“I hope for your sake that’s true, but it’s your son I’d like to speak with. I’d like him to come down to the station to answer some questions.”
“Which one? We’ve got eight sons,” Diane answered.
“The son who claims to be Paula Peters' boyfriend.”
Boris and Diane Lapp looked at each other.
“That’ll be Obadiah, our youngest,” Boris said, “but he’s not able to answer questions by himself.”
“Is he over eighteen?”
“Yes, he is.”
“Then he’s capable of answering questions.”
“What Mr. Lapp means is that Obadiah is not like a regular person of his age. He’s more like someone younger. His mind is that of a ten to twelve-year-old,” Ettie said before she looked at Diane who had turned around to look at her. “Is that right?” she asked the Lapps.
“What Ettie says is right. He’s a simple boy and he’s not got much idea of what’s going on,” Diane said.
“Relax! I’m not going to arrest him or anything. I just need to ask him a couple of questions. There’s a woman under arrest already for the assault on Paula Peters.”
“Ettie and Elsa-May were just telling us that they think you’ve got the wrong person, so how do we know you’re not going to accuse our boy of doing it? He wouldn’t know how to answer your questions. He might even admit to doing something if it’s put into his mind. He doesn’t know reality from stories sometimes.”
Kelly glared at Ettie and Elsa-May. “What these two ladies have told you is merely their opinion and isn’t based on fact. We have the perpetrator in custody—that part is correct. We’re just after more information.”
The detective smiled then, and Ettie was relieved that he wasn’t mad with them for interfering.
The detective turned his attention to Boris Lapp. “You’re welcome to come and sit with him while he’s being questioned.”
“No! You’re not taking him anywhere and he’s not going to be questioned.” Boris folded his arms in front of him while he stared at Detective Kelly’s startled face.
“Perhaps you don’t want me to talk with your son because he’s got something to hide.”
“I’m not saying any more.” Boris tried to close the door, but, as quick as a flash, Detective Kelly put a shiny leather-shod toe in the way.
“Where was your son in the early hours of the twelfth?” Kelly barked out.
“Here at home with us,” Diane replied.
“Can you be certain?” Kelly asked.
Boris opened the door wider and took a step forward, forcing Kelly to step back. He towered over Kelly by a good four inches. “He was here at home with us,” he repeated. “Is he under arrest?”
“No.” Detective Kelly said.
Boris backed inside and closed the door on the detective. He turned around, and said to Ettie and Elsa-May, “If they’re not going to arrest him, they can’t make him talk.”
A moment later, Ettie was relieved when she heard the detective’s car head down the drive.
“They might not leave things there,” Elsa-May said. “You might have made him more determined to talk with Obadiah.”
Boris walked to the window and looked out. “I hope that’s the last we see of him.”
“I wonder how he heard that Obadiah thought Paula was his girlfriend,” Diane said.
“I’m afraid that I mentioned that to him. I’m so sorry, but I didn’t think he’d come here like this and ask to see Obadiah. I told him what Obadiah was like,” Ettie said.
“Don’t blame yourself, Ettie, you weren’t to know what the policeman would do,” Boris said.
Elsa-May added, “He’s a detective. Anyway, he’s arrested someone so I don’t think he considers Obadiah’s guilty of anything. I’m certain he just wanted to question Obadiah about Paula. Maybe Obadiah knows something about Paula if the two of them were close.”
Boris chuckled. “They weren’t close except in Obadiah’s head. Paula barely spoke to Obadiah the whole time she was here, and he was so scared of her that he didn’t say much to her.”
“Nee, the police wouldn’t find anything out by talking with Obadiah,” Diane said.
“Where is Obadiah today?” Elsa-May asked.
“He’s probably in the barn. That’s where he stays mostly, if he’s not with the rest of the boys.”
When Ettie and Elsa-May left the Lapps' home, Ettie knew they would have to speak with Kelly alone and find out why he’d come to speak with Obadiah. Had the detective realized that he’d made a mistake by arresting Nora George, and was he looking further afield?
r /> Chapter 8
After Elsa-May and Ettie had rested from their visit with the Lapps, Ettie was still disturbed about Detective Kelly showing so much interest in Obadiah.
"We must go back and see Detective Kelly."
“We talked about it earlier and that’s what we decided to do.” Elsa-May gave a sharp nod.
"Last time we were at the police station, he had Nora locked up so why was he trying to ask Obadiah questions?"
"Maybe it's because you opened your big mouth and made mentioned of Obadiah."
Ettie’s jaw fell open in shock.
Elsa-May continued, "You were the one who told detective Kelly you didn't think Nora George was guilty. So that's put a doubt in his mind to start with, and then he's clearly realized things don't add up."
"Surely he can't be still holding Nora in jail then."
"They're not going to release her just like that. They’d need some kind of proof that either she was innocent or another person was guilty."
"It was odd to visit Nora’s husband. He didn't seem too concerned that his wife was in prison. He was working with his business partner just like it was any other day. And as you said, Kelly must've known that Paula had worked for him before she joined our community."
"I must say I find it quite annoying that he wants your help, Ettie, and then he doesn't tell you everything."
Ettie pressed her lips firmly together. "I know what you mean. It would be much easier if he told us things up front. He only tells us what he wants us to know."
"It seems to me that if Nora had suspected her husband was having an affair with Paula, why wouldn't she suspect the business partner of having an affair with him also? Yet didn’t Nora tell us that she didn’t know Paula?"
“Yes, she did,” Ettie said. “Perhaps she was telling the truth and she really didn’t know Paula. She might not know all the people her husband employs.”
"Mr. George and his business partner sure looked cozy together. And the business partner was quite attractive."
"Then that's what we'll have to tell the detective," Ettie said.
"What will we tell him? We don’t know anything. It didn’t turn out too well opening your big mouth about Obadiah, did it?”
Ettie pouted. "Well that's how these things work. The detective goes down one avenue with the investigation until he’s exhausted it, and then he goes down another one."
"I suppose you're right. So are we visiting Kelly again today or not?"
"Yes we will."
Before they left for the police station, Ettie and Elsa-May called the hospital and found out that there was no change in Paula’s condition.
Just as they were getting out of the taxi at the police station, they saw that Kelly was pulling out of the parking lot. They flagged him down.
"When will you be back?" Ettie asked him after he rolled down his window.
"I haven't got time to talk now, there have been some new developments. I'll fill you in on them later today. I’ll come to your house.”
The detective zoomed away in his car and Elsa-May and Ettie stared after him.
"What do you think that was about?" Elsa-May asked.
"I've got no idea."
"Do you think we need some new furniture, Elsa-May?"
"You know how I feel about furniture. The furniture we have is from our parents and their parents before them, except for your new couch. I thought you agreed that suits us just fine."
"I said ‘furniture,’ Elsa-May, and that means we have to go to a ‘furniture store,’ and just maybe we might find ourselves at the furniture store of a certain Mr. George.”
"Ah, I see. Jah, it wouldn't hurt to look for some new furniture."
"Exactly and that doesn't mean we have to buy any." Ettie chuckled.
"Where is his furniture store?"
"Why don't we go back into the station and ask to borrow their phone book?" Ettie suggested.
"Good idea."
They borrowed the phone book and looked up all the furniture stores in the area.
"This sounds likely—George’s Furniture. It has to be that one," Ettie said.
"It’s highly likely.”
"I hope so."
Elsa-May borrowed pen and paper and scribbled down the address. The furniture store was only a ten minute drive away.
They got out of the taxi and walked inside the huge barn of a place.
After looking from one end of the store to the other, they couldn’t see Mr. George or his business partner anywhere.
“I wonder if we’ve got the correct store,” Elsa-May whispered to Ettie.
When a young woman approached them and asked if they needed any help, Ettie responded by saying, “Would Mr. George happen to be working in the store today?”
“Or Ms. Campbell?” Elsa-May interjected.
"Mr. George and Ms. Campbell have gone to a furniture expo."
"That's a shame we’ve missed them. When will they be back?" Elsa-May asked.
"I have no idea. I’m sorry. Can I help you with anything?"
“No thank you. When did they leave? We were only talking to him a day or two ago and he didn’t mention that he wasn’t going to be here today,” Elsa-May said.
"He left this morning. Shall I tell him you stopped by to see him?”
Elsa-May shook her head. "No, I wouldn't trouble you to go to that bother.”
Ettie added, “We’ll call in and see him another day."
"Where did you say he went?" Elsa-May asked.
"Boston." The young woman smiled at them.
“Thank you.” Ettie and Elsa-May hurried out of the store.
"What do you think of that, Ettie? That’s probably why Kelly was in such a hurry.”
"Yes. Kelly has figured out that Mr. George wanted his wife out of the way so he could be with his business partner. Cameron George framed his wife for murder. It was fortunate for Paula that he thought she was dead.”
“Well, that’s not quite what I was thinking, but it does make sense. It would clear the way for him to be with his business partner, but why would he want Paula out of the way? The affair was finished with a long time ago.”
“I don’t know,” Elsa-May said.
“Why would he leave town if he’s innocent?” Ettie asked.
“Jah. That sure makes him look guilty.”
“I don’t think he’s gone permanently. He wouldn’t just up and leave his store like that. He wouldn’t do that.”
“So you think he’s coming back and not running away?” Elsa-May asked.
Ettie nodded.
"Unless, of course, he already told the detective that he was going away for a few days."
“Jah, that would make him appear innocent while his wife continues to suffer in jail.” Ettie sighed. "We won't know anything now until Detective Kelly lets us know. I wish he wouldn't ask us to help him with his cases and then keep us out of things. It's very difficult."
"Come on, Ettie, we've done all we can. Let's go home."
“Kelly did say he'd stop by the house later today. I hope he remembers.”
Ettie went home in the taxi with her sister, wishing there was more she could do. It upset her greatly that Nora George was sitting in prison for a crime she didn't do while Mr. George was off on a business trip with his business partner.
Chapter 9
Just before dinnertime, Detective Kelly knocked on the door of Ettie and Elsa-May's house.
“Come in, Detective,” Elsa-May said when she opened the door and saw him standing there.
He looked around and especially about Elsa-May’s feet. “Have you got that attack dog of yours locked up? This is a new suit."
Elsa-May chuckled. “I've closed Snowy outside, so it's quite safe."
The corners of the detective’s lips twitched as he walked into the house.
Ettie came hurrying out of the kitchen to greet him. “Do you have news of Paula?”
“I’ve just come from the hospital. The outcome might
not be good even if she comes out of the coma. The specialist I spoke with said she’s got youth on her side. Then he rattled off a string of statistics, and then to sum things up he said she might suffer nerve damage, memory loss, or seizures. The worst-case scenario, of course, is that she might never wake up at all.”
Ettie said, “Shouldn’t you allow her family in to see her in that case?”
“We’ll see.” He scratched the side of his face.
“You’d have to—surely,” Elsa-May said.
“I didn’t come here to be lectured. I came here to tell you something.”
“Come and sit down,” Ettie said. "We’ve been waiting for you to tell us what happened today."
Kelly sat down with them and Elsa-May said, "We went to George’s furniture store today."
He frowned, looking none too happy. "You did?”
The sisters nodded.
“And what did you find out?"
"We found out that Mr. George and his business partner have gone to Boston."
"Yes, I know that. We have a tail on him."
"You do?"
He smiled. “Yes, I do.”
"So, you’re suspicious of him?" Ettie asked.
"It doesn't hurt to keep eyes and ears open. I didn't ask him not to leave town and he was under no obligation to inform me that he was going anywhere. He's got a return ticket for two days time."
"Meanwhile his wife's rotting in a prison cell,” Elsa-May said in disgust.
“Yes, while he’s away on a business trip with an attractive woman,” Ettie added
"Mr. George said he got his wife a good lawyer. I suppose he’s trying to look like he’s doing something," Ettie said.
“You spoke with him?” Kelly asked.
Ettie and Elsa-May looked at each other and Ettie said, “We went to his house because he wasn’t coming to see his wife.”
“Nora asked us to,” Elsa-May said.
“If she asked you to jump off a cliff, would you?” He shook his head.
“We went to his house and the business partner was there,” Elsa-May said.
Changing the subject to calm Kelly down, Ettie asked, “What’s the lawyer like that Cameron George got for his wife. Is he a good lawyer?”